Sunday, August 26, 2012

Hello donkey

The transport options in Xinjiang is nothing short of amazing. I've been itching to get a photo of the donkey transport and finally got some. Not exactly what I wanted as those we've usually passed at high speed on the roads... But mission donkey photos at least partially achieved.

Overheating in the desert

Yesterday we had to stop for a while to let the engine cool down. It was 37 in the (supposedly) air conditioned bus and a lot warmer outside.

Today we had to stop about 50 km short of Kashgar for much the same reason... Only this time when the driver poured water in, it shot back out in a gushing stream to the ceiling. Fortunately most of us, and anyone near the front, was standing outside at the time.

Bob did have a wet seat for the ride into Kashgar...

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Hotan to Kashgar

Today we're driving 520km across the desert from Hotan to Kashgar. We've been blessed with cloudy weather and a few rain drops, so the bus trip has been pleasantly cooler than expected. Our pit stop toilet was a hole in the ground with a short drop into a water system and was in a word, disgusting... With people having missed the hole...

The second time I've opted to use plan b - the bush.

Loving the donkey-drawn carts but haven't managed to get a good photo yet. Difficult in a moving vehicle. Hoping we might see something in Yarkand when we stop for lunch.

More scenes from Hotan streets

Engraving jade

We got to visit a jade factory yesterday.

Polishing jade

After the engraving the jade is polished...

Hotan streets