Monday, August 20, 2012

Sense of humour unpacked and readily accessible

Our sense of humour, which we were advised to bring along, has been needed this morning. After (another) patchy sleep Bob and I were up at 4am to pack and have tea to be ready in the lobby at 5.20 for a 5.30 collection.

We arrived in the lobby to check out, met up with the rest of our tour group - but no agent or transport and no idea where we needed to go - other than we were headed for a flight to Danhuang. Our transport arrived finally arrived at 5h50. Fortunately I was able to check for flights to Danhuang using Flightboard on iPad so we knew we needed to go to terminal 3 and head toward the China Air to see if we could check in.

By the time we found isle K to check in, someone found us, to lead us to a check-in counter. But he sped off at such a pace, we lost two of our five group members... And by the time they found us, Bob was still off looking for them...

Eventually reunited and got to the boarding gate in time to go straight through for boarding. We're about to take off now...

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